Django roles template tagΒΆ

django_roles_access template tag is a method to restrict access by role to content.

django_roles_access decorator, mixin, or middleware, restrict access to a view. In this way, restriction is applied to all content of the view. With django_roles_access template tag is possible to restrict access to portions of the content in a view.

django_roles_access template tag is used in Django templates.

Example for using django_roles_access template tag:

{% load roles_tags %}
{% if request.user|check_role:'reports_menu' %}
    restricted content
{% endif %}

If exists a django_roles_access.models.TemplateAccess object with a value in flag attribute equal to reports_menu; then only users belonging to any django.contrib.auth.models.Group which has been added to roles attribute of the django_roles_access.models.TemplateAccess object will see the restricted content.


django_roles_access template_tag require DjangoTemplate backend to be configured in settings file. If not, when trying to use it, an exception will be raised:

django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: No DjangoTemplates
backend is configured.